Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again


In a couple of weeks, softball season starts again. This year, I am again playing on two teams. The Luck Dragons, and Capital Punishment/Crushers (whichever name Susanna decides to use this year). The LDs play Tuesdays at Tahoe Park and the CPs/Crushers play Thursdays at Howe Park.

Oh and in about a week, MLB Spring Training officially starts.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I've been inspired

OK, I know it's been almost a year since my last post and I suck. It hasn't been too exciting around here. And no, three elections in one year does not make my life exciting. It makes it tiring. Though, it was interesting.

I have been inspired by my friend Mo who has an amazing blog which discusses her restaurant choices, recipes, and adventures in New York. She rocks. Really.

So, short and sweet to begin with, but I'm going to take a page from the book of Mo and start blogging again. Probably not every day, but when I'm inspired, reminded, or harassed.